Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A really neat site for readers and listeners!

My sister put me "on" to this site, and my homeroom asked how to get there, so I thought it would be a good idea to put it on my blog to share....
The site is called Tumblebooks, but if you go directly there, you must pay a fee to use it. Going to it through the New York Public Library site, it's free. So here is how to get there :
Go to On their home site, under the big letters, there is a series of links highlighted in grey - click on Books & Materials. On the next page, the 6th bullet under "Find What You Need" says Tumblebooks - click on that and you're there.
The children really like the site - sometimes the authors are reading their books, and there are many choices of books to read or have read. There are also activities related to the stories you can do.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Full Week Ahead

Well, here we go - five full days to learn!
The sight words this week are to and do. The sounds we will be learning are ue, er and ar.
Tuesday is our Teddy Bear Picnic, and we invite parents and younger siblings to attend, beginning at 10:45. We will be doing some of the poems we have learned and sharing a snack with our teddies.
Please remember to send warm clothes with your student - snow pants, boots, mittens and hats along with their jackets are strongly recommended. I know I'll have all my winter wear on!
Friday morning at 10:45 is our monthly asssembly, and the students are busy learning their parts to share.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Parent -Teacher Interviews

I am away today, but look forward to seeing all Wednesday night or Thursday morning. New sight words this week - be and was, and sounds qu, ou and oi.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Remembrance Day

This week will be another "different" one, with Tuesday off for Remembrance Day.
I think my reminder about warm clothes last week must have sent the cold weather away - like I said, I was wearing ski pants and mitts on Monday, and then I only needed a light jacket on Thursday! I guess you just have to be prepared for anything this time of year!
We are still concentrating on the numbers 1-5 in Math, and the letter that is going home in the homework bags will give you some ideas that you can help out with at home. We also review patterns frequently. These concepts need to be dealt with on a daily basis, as good knowledge of them will help your child all through his/her school years.
In Language Arts we are still doing the "sound of the day" - this weeks sounds are ch, sh, and th. Sight words for the week are me and we.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, here we are into November already! Once again I will remind parents to send mitts, hats and warm coats (even ski pants) with their students to school. I wore my hat, gloves, and ski pants along with my jacket today and was toasty warm in the wind.
This month we in Kindergarten are concentrating on rhyming and teddy bears. We'll even have a teddy bear picnic during the last week of the month. Trick words this week are he and she. The sounds we are learning are the two oo sounds (as in cook and cool), y and x. Please remember to send the yellow duotang and sound scribbler back to school each day, and the blue homework duotang on Thursday. Your support in these ventures make a big difference in your child's success in school. Each time he/she reads the words and/or says the sounds made by each letter it makes them more confident in their learning.
The first of the next years Kindergarten meetings is this Thursday, at 6pm. Your future Kindergarten student is to come with you, as well as your partner or spouse. All are welcome to help make this transition as smooth as possible.