Friday, May 22, 2009


I think it finally feels like Spring has arrived!!!! This week there are some school-wide activities to celebrate. Monday is PJ Day, Tuesday is Dress like the Opposite Sex Day, Wednesday is Twin Day ( get a friend to dress just like you), Thursday is No Pants Day (wear shorts, etc), and Friday is Hat Day. On Friday there is a Fun Day as well -- There will be inflatable toys for all, and the time for K-2 to use them is 11:00-11:50. There will be a movie shown in the afternoon - BOLT (you can check it out at There have been permission slips and notes for lunch and treats on Friday come home. Please have these back asap.
We will cover the last two letters this week - Y and Z. As well, the last of our tricky and sight words - goes, does, made, and their.
Have a great Spring Carnival week!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Victoria Day!

Well, you know the year is drawing to a close when we celebrate the Victoria Day holiday...

I will soon be sending home a list of all of the words your child has brought home this year in his/her "Tricky and Sight Words" bag, so you can have them to review through the summer months. This week's words are right, two, and four.

We are nearing the end of the alphabet as well - this week we are doing words that begin with the letter Ww and Xx. As there aren't many that begin with Xx, we will also talk about words with Xx in them.

Friday is a day off for students, as teachers deal with union business in the afternoon after a morning professional development session.

There won't be many more weeks of homework. Please review with your child the work done through the year and make any corrections, as well as completing any missed work. Thank you.

Monday, May 11, 2009

another full week!

Somehow last week's blog never got published, and I apologize for that. We are coming to the end of our alphabet work, doing two letters each week. This week we are working with U and V. Our sight words are would, should, and could. I will soon send home the complete list of sight and tricky words we have had during the school year - your child should be able to read each of them.

On Tuesday afternoon, May 12th, the school will be having an evacuation practice. In this procedure the whole school evacuates the building and walks (in class groups) to, for grades K-5, the Anglican Church in Grand Harbour. Upper grades go to Central Wesleyan Church. The buses will pick K-2 children up from there to return them home on that day. Grades 3-12 will walk back to the school, continue classes, and come home from there on the buses. This practice will be held unless it is raining, and the weather looks good so far.