Thursday, October 21, 2010

Already October is more than halfway over! Time certainly can fly!
This week we are doing the sound associated with f, b, ai,and j. Our tricky and sight words for this week are at and that, giving our word wall the following words: a, at, dad, is, mom, and that. We also have a tricky word hat with the words are, said and the on it. Please go over these words with your child to help them remember the words - we are beginning to write, and knowing these words well will help give them the confidence to go try new things.
Sounds for next week are oa, ie, ee and or. Tricky and sight words are or and for.
On Tuesday night next week, October 26th, there will be a Halloween Dance Party from 6-7 for K-2 students in the cafeteria. On Friday morning, October 29th, my Kindergarten class will go, in costume, to the Nursing Home. Permission slips for this will come home on Monday (the 25th). That same afternoon (Friday), at 1:20, the K-2 students will have their October assembly in the cafeteria.

Monday, October 4, 2010

a short week....

It will be a long, short week this week. We are covering the "d" sound as well as the "g" sound (as in guest). We are starting our tricky and sight words, which will come home today for the first. The words this week are a and is. Please review the words with your child a few times throughout the week, and return the bag with the homework duotang on Wednesday.

As well, magazine order envelopes are coming home this week. Students in elementary school are not allowed to go door-to-door, but parents may share the catalog with family and friends if they want to. The elementary students are able to collect the "prizes" for bringing in subscriptions.

We will be having our evacuation practice tomorrow, Tuesday, October 5th - same as last week - regular dismissal time, but the children will be picked up at the Anglican Church in Grand Harbour instead of the school. 3-12 students will return to school and be dismissed from there at the regular times.

Kindergarten will be visiting the Fire Station on Wednesday morning, shortly after 9 (probablyl around 9:15). If you put your name down to help you could meet us there. Thanks for your help. The children always love this trip.