Sunday, September 29, 2013


This week we will be beginning to practice our "tricky words".  These are words that occur regularly in reading, some of which can't be sounded out.  The words should be practiced nightly, and we will do many activities throughout the week to reinforce them here.  The words for this week are a and is

Sounds this week are d, g, and o (as in off and on).  On Tuesday we will watch the second video with Snake, Inky Mouse, Bee, and the rest of the characters, reviewing the second set of six sounds that we've completed - c/k, h, e, r, m, and d.

A calendar for October will be coming home as well, so look for a fun, active, learning-filled month!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Time is flying by, and here we are, at the first week of Fall!

This week we are learning the following sounds: e (as in egg), h, r, and m. Thanks for helping your child review all of his/her sounds each night. The repetition is the key to solid recall.

Please be aware that the homework now is a two-sided page each week. Thank you.

Have a great week!

Monday, September 16, 2013


Well, we're off to a great start - last week we learned 4 new sounds - s, a (like in ant), t, and i (like in ink). Three sounds this week, as after each 6 sounds we watch a video reviewing the sounds. It's a fast-paced program, but we have always been happy with the results. Please remember to practice all of the sounds each night - make a game of it. The new sounds for this week are p,and n. Wednesday there will be a review video, and on Thursday the hard c sound (like in cake), and k. Happy 5th birthday to Nevaeh on Wednesday! We've started Reading Buddies, and Ms Parker's Grade 7 comes again on Wednesday to do activities and read to the students - both classes are excited about it. Another note - I understand that Jayden Wright has the chicken pox, so I just wanted you to be aware that it may come your way. I hope we all enjoy the last week of SUMMER!!!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Well, that was a busy week - on to the next one!! Your children seem to be settling in well, and learing the routines in school. I am excited to see their smiling faces each morning.

  This week we will begin the Jolly Phonics program, learning each of the sounds in the English language. This will be done by Christmas break. Please read the information letter that comes home with your child's yellow duotang and Sounds 1/2 scribbler each afternoon. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

  Just a reminder about the student fee of $20. You can send in $10 now and $10 in January if it is easier for you. Thank you for your participation in this. If you are unable to use either of these options, I will write a note in your child's agenda when the activities this amount pays for come around, and you can send the $1, $2, or $3 at that time.

Here's to a great week! ;0)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Well, here we are at the beginning of a new adventure for you and your child!  I'm very excited to get to know your child and continue the learning that began at home with you.

You will be bombarded with information these first couple of weeks.  Please read through all of the sheets coming home to you carefully.  If you have any questions or concerns, please - do not hesitate to contact me.  The K-2 phone number is 662-7083, and we each have a phone in our rooms.

There will be homework coming home this week.  It is a good habit to start first thing, sitting for a time at home doing school work.  This helps your child make a connection between home and school.  The letter at the beginning of the homework folder helps explain expectations.

Because of the change in bus schedules (Grades K-8 leave school at 2:05) we hope to have some "clubs" between buses, allowing your child to come home on the later bus.  Stay tuned!