Thursday, December 22, 2011


Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas is coming!

The sounds we are covering this week are alternatives to sounds we have already learned for the "long" vowel sounds - ai, ay, and a_e; ee and ea; ie, igh, and i_e; oa, ow, and o_e. We call the a_e, i_e, and o_e magic e words, where the e jumps over the previous letter, a consonant, and makes the vowel say its own name.

Our new words for the week are all and are.

Activities coming up in the nextfew weeks are as follows:

Dec 13 toque day (winter hats)
Elementary Christmas concert - 6pm
Dec 15 - K-5 students can purchase a candy cane gram for .50 - they will be
delivered on Dec 21st
Dec 14 - Christmas sweater day
Dec 15 - PJ Day
Dec 16 - clementine treat day
Dec 17 - Santa Claus Parade
Dec 20 - Santa hat day
Dec 21 - Red and Green day
Dec 22 - Bring Your Own Mug day - free hot chocolate
Dec 23 - 1/2 day - Happy Holidays!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Well, hopefully we will have a full week this week.....

Sounds this week are "er", "ar", and "au" (as in autumn). New words for the word wall are "to" and "do".

We had an excellent day on Friday, culminating our Anti-bullying week with a school-wide assembly and wearing our pink t-shirts all day!

Welcome to our newest student in Kindergarten, Alexander Holmes.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Come to our K-2 Curriculum night tonight, Thursday November 24th, from 6-7pm in the Great Hall at GMCS - BRING YOU STUDENT/S TO SHOW YOU WHAT WE DO EACH DAY!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

First of all, a big THANK YOU to those of you who came out to Parent-Teacher interviews. I truly appreciate the time you take on your child's behalf.

We are coming near to the end of our Jolly Phonics sounds. This week we will learn "qu" (as in quack), "oi" (as in noise), "ou" (as in sound), and "ue" (as in rescue).

New words for the word wall are "be" and "was". There will also be a sheet coming in with homework that contains all of the sight words up until Christmas for you to practice with your child.

This week is Anit-bullying week, and there will be activities all week long to help children identify bullying and avoid it - culminating on Friday with a school-wide photo of everyone in their pink tshirts, which they will receive on Friday morning to wear for the day (and keep).

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Report cards....

Report cards will come home with the students on Monday, November 14th. After you have read the report, please sign the envelope and return it with the sign-up sheet for Parent-Teacher interviews. The interviews will take place on Thursday, Nov. 17th, from 6-8pm, and again on Friday, Nov. 18th, from 9-11am. If you are unable to make it at either of those times, I will gladly find a time convenient for us to get together.
This week we will be doing 3 more sounds - "ch", "sh", and "th". On Thursday we will watch the video that goes with Book 6 of the Jolly Phonics program. Thank you for helping your child practice the sounds he/she is learning.
New tricky words this week are me and we. I will send a list home with all of the words so far so you can go over them with your child. These foundation words for reading are very important and will help your child be more confident as he/she learns them.
With the Parent-Teacher interviews, there will be no school for students this Friday, Nov. 18th.

Monday, November 7, 2011

There is no school on Friday as we celebrate Remembrance Day. The island Remembrance Day service will be in the Great Hall at GMCS at 10:30am.

There will be a school Remembrance Day service at 1pm on Thursday, November 10th.

We are learning sounds for "OO and oo" as is book and moon, "y" as in yellow, and "x" the ks sound this week. Words for the word wall are "he" and "she".

Report cards will come home next week, and Parent-Teacher interviews will take place Thursday, Nov 17th, in the evening, and Friday, Nov 18th, in the morning. Notices for sign-up will come home next week with the report cards.

Monday, October 24, 2011

This week we are learning the following sounds - "oa" as in oak, "ie" as in pie, "ee", and "or". We will watch video #4 as well, and do lots of exercises to help children recall the sounds we are learning. Words added to the word wall are or and for.

We continue to learn about patterns in Math class, and are doing lots of fun things in that area.

Next Monday is Halloween, and Ms. Baker and I will be taking the Kindergarten class to the Grand Manan Nursing Home. Please send your child with his/her costume on that day. As well, that afternoon, we will be doing Halloween centres in the K-2 classrooms.

If there are any updates and/or changes, I will post a new entry to my blog.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Well, we are now into our 7th week of school! Time is really flying by and it will soon be report card time!!

Sounds this week are "b", "ai", and "j". We will be watching the video covering the sounds we learned in the 3rd book of Jolly Phonics on Tuesday, so only three sounds this week. New words for the word wall are at and that, added to a, is, mom, and dad.

In Math we have been making patterns, starting with the AB pattern (two objects repeating themselves - ie red, green, red, green, red, green.......)

We are also talking about syllables and sentences in Language Arts. Keep practicing the sounds and actions - practice makes perfect!

There is no school for students on Friday, October 21st, as teachers will be away at meetings.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Welcome to October!

On Monday, October 3rd (not the 4th, as I stated last week), the Celtic Rathskallions will be visiting our school. You can check them out at Good music!

In Jolly Phonics we will do "d", watch the second video in the collection (about the last 6 sounds we've learned), and then "g" as in gorilla, and the short "o" sound, as in off and on.

Once again, your part in your child's Kindergarten year is essential - keep drilling him/her on the sounds he/she is learning. Repitition is the key for learning these. As well, thanks for helping with homework - your help is important. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call me.

Friday, September 23, 2011

A visit from Clifford!

This next week in Kindergarten we will learn the sounds, "e" like in egg, "h", "r", amd "m". Last week we finished Book 1 with the first 6 sounds, and have watched the first review video - ask your child about Snake, Inky Mouse, Bee, and "Sonic" (the computer).

We had a very wet Terry Fox Run, with K-2 going around the school once. We usually do more, and hopefully next year the weather will be better for us! Thank you for your support.

On Tuesday, September 27, Clifford the Big Red Dog will be visiting the library, and each class will get to have some time with him. Exciting!!!
The following Tuesday, October 4th, we are excited to have the group "Celtic Rathskallions" coming to do a musical program for the students. Please send $1 in with your child to help cover the cost of bringing this wonderful opportunity to GMCS.

We had a successful bus evacuation drill on Thursday morning, Sept. 22. We continue to have fire drills, and will have a lockdown practice as well as an evacuation practice, during the month of October.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

almost two weeks in....

Students seem to be settling in well. No tears for two days straight!! YAY!!

This week we have started our Jolly Phonics program, where we learn sounds - not letter names (most of the students know the letter names, but the JP program is about the sounds letters make). Please review the sounds we've done so far each night with your child. The actions are important as well (making the big "S" with your arm for the "ssss" sound, ants on the arm for the a (short a) sound, etc. Making a game of it with your child will make it a fun time. We will have covered all of the sounds in the English language by Christmas time. It is important to return the orange Sounds duotang each day so your child can put his/her new sound sheet in it.

Homework duotangs can be returned as soon as the homework is finished, Thursday at the latest please, to give us a chance to correct the homework and get the duotangs ready for the next week.

Next week, on Thursday, September 22nd, the whole school will be participating in the annual Terry Fox Run. In K-2, we walk around the school a few times, and discuss the reason for the day with the children. We are asking that each child bring in $2 to support Terry's dream of finding a cure for cancer. As many families have had first hand experience with fighting cancer, we all want to help in this endeavour.

There is no school for students next Friday, September 23rd, as teachers will be attending meetings that day.

Thank you for remembering to send notes with your child/ren if he/she/they aren't going home in the afternoon. Please remember to put a name along with a 911 address for their destination, as bus drivers don't necessarily know where "grammy", "nanny", etc lives.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

WELCOME to a new year at GMCS!

Welcome to school! Lots of things will be going on this week, mostly getting used to routines and remembering procedures. It's going to be an exciting year - I can't wait to get started! K-2 teachers are Mrs. Cronk, Mrs. Jones, myself, and Mrs. Heidi Green, who is taking over for Mrs. GG this year. Ms. Parker will be doing Music, and Mr. Veysey and Mrs. Russell the Phys Ed.

Our biggest difference this year is that we will be having Phys Ed, Music, Art,and French between morning recess and lunch time. As well, we have Phys Ed every day!

If you are new to our school, a big hello to YOU!

Parents - if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask someone - the office, the bus drivers, or any of the teachers. We want to make this year one of your child's best ones.

There will be lots of papers coming home with the agenda on the first day of school. Please take a few minutes to look through them, read them, and fill out and return those that need to be. We realize it is a lot all at once, but appreciate your taking the time to help us out. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Monday, August 8, 2011

school supply list for 2011/2012

2 pkgs of 24 Crayola crayons
3 pkgs of 8 Crayola washable markers - original colours
12 duotangs (2 each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple)
1 pkg of pencils (Paper Mate, Dixon, or Venus)
4 large glue sticks (Ross, elmer's, or Staples)
1 pkg of Hilroy scribblers (32 pgs)
2 white vinyl erasers
1 box of large ziploc freezer bags
2 boxes kleenex
1 pump bottle hand soap
1 black white board marker (dry erase)
1 pair indoor sneakers (velcro, please, unless your child can tie independently)

Grade One:
2 pkgs of 24 Crayola crayons
2 pkgs of 8 Crayola washable markers (original colours)
10 duotangs (2 each of red, blue, yellow, green, orange)
1 pkg pencils (PaperMate, Dixon, or Venus)
2 lge glue sticks (ross, Elmer's or Staples)
2 pkgs Hilroy scribblers (32 pgs)
4 white vinyl erasers
1 Campfire notebook
1 box of lge Ziploc freezer bags
2 boxes kleenex
1 pump bottle hand soap
1 black whiteboard marker (dry erase)
1 pair of indoor sneakers (velcro, please, unless your child can tie independently)

Grade Two:
2 pkgs of 24 Crayola crayons
2 pkgs of 8 Crayola markers, original colours, washable
10 duotangs 92 each of red, blue, green, yellow, orange
2 lge glue sticks Ross, Elmer's, Staples
2 pkgs Hilroy scribblers (32 pgs)
4 white vinyl erasers
1 Campfire notebook
1 box of lge Ziploc freezer bags
2 boxes kleenex
1 pump bottle hand soap
1 black white board marker - dry erase
1 pair indoor sneakers (velcro, please, unless your child can tie independently)

Please buy the brands we request, as these are the ones we find work the best for our needs. DO NOT write your child's name on the items. Please bring your child's supplies to school the week before school starts, in a bag with your child's name on it. Thank you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The end is drawing near!

We had a very successful Fun Day on Friday - thanks to great planning by Ms. Ward and the Student Council!
We have finished our alphabet studies, and the last of the tricky words has gone home. Please review the list I sent last week regularly to help your child remember the words we have learned.
There is no school on Tuesday the 7th of June for Kindergarten students, as the class for this September will be visiting and "learning the ropes". Hopefully this well help them feel more comfortable at school when they come in the fall.
We have a special presentation to attend this week on Wednesday, put on by Ms. Leslie's class. We are fortunate to have a K-12 school where we can benefit from older student's projects.
Next week a note will come home about our trip to the Anchorage Park.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Where has the month gone? I just looked and must apologize for not having updated my blog as I should have this month.
We are presently into assessments and, with the help of Mrs. Ruthi Ingersoll, they should be completed by early June. She and I are assessing the Language Arts portion of the Kindergarten year. The assessments will help me to plan the remaining weeks of school to benefit the children in my class the most.
Next week we will finishing reviewing the alphabet, with Yy and Zz completing the program.
The last of the Tricky Words will also come home next week, being goes, does, made, and their. I will include a list of all of the words we have learned this year in next weeks homework - please keep it handy and quiz your child up now and then - just to keep the words fresh in their minds.
Special events for June - next week is Spring Carnival, and K-2 will not be participating in the dress up days each day, but will be able to have a great day Friday with the inflatables in the gym, and the movie and treats. Your child(ren) has brought home a permission slip to be signed, as well as the amounts and place to order food and treats for the day.
We in K-5 have been having our own dress-up Fridays this month, and next Friday will be Hat Day.
The K-2 will be going to the Anchorage Park for an outing on June 16th, rain date June 17th. Look for a note home about this trip.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Here we are into May - already!! Birthdays this month include Jonah Hettrick, Saul Fitzsimmons, and me!

This week we are "doing" letters Qq and Rr. Words for the word wall are were, other, and because.

There were book order forms in agenda bags today, and the orders are due in to me on Thursday of this week, May 5th.

This month and next we in K-5 are having some special dress-up Fridays. I hope your child will join in the fun!
May 6 - no school for Subject Council
May 13 - Backwards Day
May 20 - School Colour Day (blue and gold)
May 27 - Twin Day ( you and a friend try to dress the same)

More to come in June!

Dismissal this Thursday, May 5th, will be 1/2 hour earlier than usual (1:30 for K-2, and 2:30 for 3-12), so that teachers can go on the 3:30 ferry to their meetings on the mainland.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter is coming!

A four day week this time - Friday being Good Friday, and a day off.

We will be talking about the letter Nn this week, and new words for the word wall are any, many, and had.

Along wth the weekly homework, children are bringing books home each night - please be sure to read with them and add these books, along with the little books they bring twick a week, to their reading log. I have only had a few students reach 50 books so far.... you can add any books your child reads to you, not only the ones from class. If you get books at your child's level from the library, you may add these to the logs as well. When they read 50 books, they get to choose a book to keep from a box that I keep on hand for that purpose. It is so exciting for them to choose!

Have a great week and happy Easter!

Monday, April 11, 2011

a look at the week ahead!

A full week this week - YAY!!!!

This week we are talking about the letter "Mm". New words for our word wall are who, which, and with.

Chantal Brideau, from Science East in Fredericton, came to GMCS on Friday morning and brought a hands-on science experiment exhibit. Our students will be visiting the exhibit through the next two weeks to "have a go" at some hands on learning. Teachers are signing up to take their classes to this wonderful opportunity - thank you for sending the loonie with your child during the past couple of weeks to fund this experience for your child.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April (SNOW) Showers!

Well, we really had an April Fool joke on us, didn't we? All that SNOW!!
And now we are into April and report cards. They will come home on Tuesday this week (April 5th). Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday evening from 6-8pm and Friday morning, from 9-11am. Please look for the sign-up sheet in with the report cards when they come home. Because of the meetings, there is no school for students on Friday, April 8th.

On Friday, a representative from Science East (from Fredericton) will be bringing a number of hands-on science experiments to leave with us for a few weeks. During this time each class, K-5, will have the opportunity to go to the rooms where the experiments will be set up and "try" them out. Please send $1 with each student to help pay for this experience.

This week we are exploring the letter "Ll". new words for the week are where, why, and look. Please remember to send reading bags and logs each day - the more practice at reading your child gets, the quicker he/she will improve in the necessary skills. As well, homework comes home as usual.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Well, now that March Break is over, the rest of the year will fly by! Hope you all had a great break and are ready to get going again!

This week we are talking about the letter Ii. New words for the word wall are only, old, and in.

Monday, February 28, 2011

DAY 100 coming soon!

This week will be another short one, unfortunately, but a big one with Day 100 in the middle! As it is now, Wednesday, March 2nd will be Day 100, and our usual festivities will begin after recess in the morning. Each K-2 teacher will have an activity in her room that each student will have a turn at before lunch time. After noon recess we will go to the gym to do our Day 100 activities there, stopping by the cafeteria afterwards to see the projects done by the students. Parents and family are invited to come to the gym at 12:25pm.

We are finishing up "Gg" tomorrow and continuing on with "Hh" for the remainder of the week. Our new words this week are live, give, and his.

Mrs. Jones had put some videp clips from our French Cultural Assembly on her blog - feel free to visit her blog to watch them!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

oops! I guess I've missed a couple of weeks, as this week we are talking about the letter Gg. Our words for the word wall are and, have and like.

We survived Valentines Day last week, and had an awesome French Cultural Assembly. If you were able to attend, we thank you. We hope to do it again next year. We were pleased that the K-2 class from White Head Elementary joined us for this event.

We will be listening to speeches in Math and Communications classes this week, and a few children will be chosen to give their speeches in the monthly assembly, this Friday, February 25th, at 1:20pm.

Day 100 projects are due in to school on Thursday this week (the 24th), and we will follow the Day 100 schedule that was sent home a few weeks ago.

Thank you for your cooperation and help in these two projects.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This week we are focusing on the letter Dd. Our new words are yes, no, go, and see. There is a sheet in your childs homework with all of the words we have learned so far, as well as the ones for the rest of the year. Please keep these handy to go through with your child as we do them. Review is a great help - please help your child by going through these lists regularly with him/her.

On Friday the K-2 classes and Ms. Toole's Grade 5 from GMCS, along with the K-3 classes from White Head Elementary School, will be putting on a French Culture Assembly, to show off what we are learning. There will also be a few hors d'oeuvres (French snacks) after the presentation. All are welcome!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

This week we will be exploring the 3 sounds of the letter Cc - the hard c as in cactus, the soft c as in celery , and the ch sounds - ch as in chair, and ch as in choir. Cc is one of the letters with lots of sounds, making it more difficult on the one learning to read. I will give your child some strategies to decide which sound to give each c.
The words we will be adding to our word wall are there, they, and can. I can't stress enough the importance of going over these words with your child. By repeatedly seeing them, a child will learn to recognize them on sight - an excellent skill to have!

Please remember that this is winter and the playground is cold! Dress your child in boots, snow pants, jacket, mitts and warm hat, please, as we go out every day that is fit. If the wind is too cold, we may stay in, but please send your child prepared to go out.

Reading bags are coming home this week as well. Please read the attached letter, telling you of your childs reading level. As well, I ask that you not try to compare your child to another, as each and every child learns at his or her own rate, and it is unfair to put this unneeded pressure on them. The children need to know that they are doing the best they can, where they are. Thank you for helping in this activity. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Well, here we are in the middle of January already. Last week we focused on the letter A, with it's many sounds. New words on the word wall were come, some, and as.
This week we are focusing on the letter B and it's sound, learning words that begin with the "b" sound and practising printing B and b. The new words on the word wall this week are here, said, and it.
I am "testing" my students this week for the Guided Reading program. They will soon be bringing a book home each night to read. There will be a letter with the book, as well as a log book, to keep track of the books your child reads. They are excited to finally be reading!