Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April Showers....

Another short week coming up - sorry for having missed this last week - I just don't know where the time has gone!
We are "doing" the letter Mm this week, and word wall words are who, which, and with.
Thank you to the parents who came out to Parent-Teacher interviews. I really do appreciate your showing interest in your child's school life. It is so important to have support from home!
Lisa Williams and Constable Carl Casey from the RCMP will be here on Friday, April 9th to hand out awards for the participants in the Top Cops Reading program. There will be an assembly at 1:20 on that day.
Please check out the form coming home with this weeks homework, regarding the I Love kindergarten t-shirts and sweatshirts.

Monday, March 22, 2010


We are welcoming Spring this week, and that means report card time. Next Wednesday evening (March 31st) and Thursday morning (Apr 1st) will be Parent-Teacher meetings here at GMCS. Report cards will be coming home next Monday, March 29th, for K-2 students. There will be a sign-up sheet to send back to me enclosed. Please return the envelope only, for use in June. Thank you.
This week we are doing "Kk" this week, and our new word wall words are what, when, and okay.
The Top Cops Reading Program ends this Friday - please send in your child's time sheet at that time. There will be an "awards assembly" in the next couple of weeks after that.

Monday, March 15, 2010

We're halfway through March already!

We are doing exercises with the letter Jj this week. As well, we have three new words on the word wall that have come home with homework duotangs - down, little, and on.
Not too much extra is going on this week - I am seeing the results of the time change in the students - very tired today....
Please remember that there is always a cool (usually COLD) breeze blowing in the playground, and your child will need hat and mitts, if not snow pants (they do an excellent job of blocking the wind).
Reading Clubs have started again, so ask your child what happened there today!