Monday, November 5, 2012


This week we will be doing three sounds - the "00" (as in look and foot) and "oo" (as in moon and stoop), which counts as one sound, as it uses the same letters, OO.  The other two sounds are y (as in yogurt) and x (ks) as in exit.  We are nearing the end of our sounds, and will finish them up before Christmas.  Try making some simple words with the sounds your child is learning, to help him/her put the sounds together to make meaning for him/her.  Our words for the word wall are he and she. 

Wednesday night, November 7, from 6-7pm, the K-2 teachers are hosting a Curriculum night.  Please bring your child and let them show you the types of things we do in class.  You will have the opportunity to see the reasoning (curriculum outcomes) behind why we teach what we teach, and your child will love showing you. 

Mrs. Jones has shared a slideshow on her blog from pictures taken on Halloween. 

On Friday, November 9th, we will have a school-wide Remembrance Day service for the students.  On that day the cafeteria will be open, but students will eat in their classrooms as the chairs will be set up for the program in the afternoon.

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