Sunday, September 6, 2009


Well, September is here, and we're all excited to start a new year! I hope each one of you had a great summer and is ready to have a wonderful, exciting, fun year at GMCS!
There are lots! of things coming home in agenda bags this week - for parents as well as students. Book orders are due back to me (homeroom) by this Friday, Sept 11th. Please sign and return the Highlights, Puzzlemania, and Chirp slips asap, yes or no, as I can use these slips to get free items for use in the classroom. Information slips are extremely helpful to us, so please don't miss that one.
The letter in the front of the K Homework duotang will, hopefully, answer some of the questions that you have concerning your child's first year here. As I stated there, please don't hesitate to phone me with any questions or concerns you might have.
We will be having a fire drill on Thursday (weather permitting), and will practice with your children this week so they will be ready for it.
Here's to a GREAT year!!!

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