Monday, April 7, 2008

See you at Parent-Teacher interviews!

A reminder that report cards are coming home on Tuesday - Parent-Teacher interviews are Thursday evening and Friday morning. There will be no classes for students on Friday.

Spelling is the same format as the last two weeks - there are 17 words in the list, from which I will choose 10 for the test, with a sentence to write as well. The words are: he, was, you, said, they, dad, by, live, it, at, why, which, can, for, saw, right, made.

I made new homework duotangs for my Grade One class - I will send the old ones home with you at Parent-Teacher. If your child is struggling in any way, please make sure to come see me.

Book orders coming home this week are due back to me on Monday, April 14th.

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