Sunday, January 18, 2015


We are well into January now, and this week the Kindergarten joins Grades 1 and 2 in Reading Club - split into levels for reading, and go to another teacher for 45 minutes twice a week.  Exciting!

As well, this week we are talking about the letter Cc.  New words for the Word Wall are there, they, and can.

This Tuesday (January 20) and next (January 27), Mrs. Russell is taking her Kindergarten  gym classes to the Curling Rink.  Please make sure your child brings his/her helmet with him/her to school on these days.

Wednesday, January 21st, is the Welcome to Kindergarten meeting, for students coming in September 2015, 6pm.  If you have a childe coming in September and haven't received a phone call, please call the office at 662-7000.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Well, I guess we need to finish last week before beginning this new week, so we will be finishing up work on the letter Aa today, and begin Bb tomorrow. 

New words for the Word Wall this week are: here, it, and said.

You had notes home last week pertaining to the students being taken to the Curling Rink - please make sure you return the permission slips to me asap. If your child doesn't have a helmet, let me know and I'll see what I can do about finding one to borrow.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Welcome Back!

We will begin studying all of the letters of the alphabet, one each week.  So this week we will be talking about the letter Aa.

New words or the Word Wall are come, some, and as.

The "alphabet bucket" will be coming home with a different student daily.  Please help your child find a few articles that begin with the letter of the week and return it the next morning.