Saturday, October 25, 2014


This week will be another full one, culminating with HALLOWEEN on Friday!

The sounds we are covering this week are z, w, ng (like in strong), and v.

Words for the Word Wall are I and the. 

There will be a K-2 Assembly at 1:20 on Thursday, in the Cafeteria.  Family and friends are invited to attend.

The Kindergarten classes will visit the Grand Manan Nursing Home on Friday, leaving the school at 10:00 am, and returning approximately an hour and 15 minutes later.  Permission slips for this trip will come home on Monday, Oct 27th.

Monday, October 20, 2014


We are having a full week this week!!  YAY!

Sounds covered this week are oa (as in oak), ie (as in tie), ee (as in beet), and or.

New words for the word wall are or and for.

I will be away on Tuesday, and Pat Brown will be in for me.

Wear ORANGE and BLACK on Friday!

Friday, October 10, 2014


This is a short week, but we will still accomplish a lot - I know....

Tuesday we will do the last sound in the third set - "b" .  Wednesday we will watch the video that follows the last six sounds (g, o, u, l, f, and b).  Thursday we begin the fourth set of sounds with "ai" ( as in train), and Friday (because this is a short week) we will do "j" (jam). 

We will begin doing some printing work using the words we are putting on the word wall.  This week's words are at and that.