Monday, December 15, 2014

We traced our hands with the help of our Reading Buddies to make this Christmas tree for our classroom door,  Merry Christmas to al!

Christmas is coming!

Lots going on this week at GMCS!

Monday, December 15th is Pajama Day
Tuesday - Wear red and green
Wednesday - Wear a Christmas shirt
Thursday - Wear a Santa hat
Friday - bring a mug for hot chocolate (plastic if possible)

As well, our annual concert is on Tuesday night, beginning at 6:30pm.  Please have your child in the classroom by 6:15.

We have completed all of the sounds in the Jolly Phonics program - please refer to the yellow duotang often, helping your child review and recall the letters and sounds - they are the foundation to your child's reading.

Tom and I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season!

Friday, December 5, 2014


Things are heating up at GMCS - three special days this week!  Tuesday is Wear a Toque (wiinter hat) day, Thursday is Snowman Day (wear white), and on Friday we will decorate our door for the season.

We are still learning alternate spellings for sounds we have learned in the Jolly Phonics program.  This week we will find out what else makes the sounds for ue (ew), oi (oy), ou (ow), and er (ur,ir).

New words for the Word Wall are you and your.

On Wednesday there will be a Book/Healthy Snack Sale.  You are asked to send in any books you no longer want or a healthy snack.  Most items will be priced at 25 or 50 cents.  As well, if  you are sending a snack, please remember our NO NUTS policy.

Please remember snow pants, hats, and mitts along with your childs jacket these days.  The playground is COLD!

Monday, December 1, 2014


And the countdown is on - Christmas and the accompanying weeks off are on their way!

This week we are looking at alternate ways to spell some of the sounds we've learned:  ai (ay, and a_e), ee (ea), ie (y, i_e, igh), and oa (ow, o_e).

New words for the word wall are - all and are.

I will be away on Thursday the 4th of December, and Mrs. Andrea Morse will be in for me.

Friday this week, December 5th, is Blue and Gold Day - wear your school colours proudly!

Monday, November 24, 2014


This is PINK WEEK!  The week when we focus on Bullying, it's causes, and what we can do about making sure it doesn't happen here....

There will be activities all week long, starting today with Student Council members coming and painting everyone's pinkie, PINK!  There are videos for each day, to watch and discuss.  We'll have pink bubble gum, pink mints, and pink lemonade will be on sale each day at lunchtime for 50 cents. There is a PINK dance on  Wednesday evening, from 6-6:45.  We are expecting Tenille, a motivational speaker and Country artist, for a special assembly on Friday.

Sounds this week are er, ar, and au/aw.  New words for the word wall are to and do.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Another short week for students - Thursday evening, 6-8pm, will be the first Parent/Teacher meeting session, followed by another on Friday afternoon, from
 1-3pm.  This being said, there will be no school for students on Friday, November 21st.  Teachers will be having meetings in the morning on Friday.

Report cards will come home on Tuesday, Nov 18th.  On Monday, in with homework, please look for a form to sigh and return, with regards to when you plan to come visit and discuss your childs progress.

Sounds for the week are;  qu (quack), ou (out), oi (noise), and ue (blue).

New words for the Word Wall are:  be and was.

Monday, November 10, 2014


A special day this week - tomorrow, Nov 11th, is Remembrance Day, and there will be no school on this day.  We are having a school-wide service today, Monday, for all students to attend and help them develop a respect and gratitude to all of the men and women who have gone to war to help us have our freedom.

Sounds this week are: ch (children), sh (shop), and the two sounds of th (the, and thumb).

New words for the Word Wall are : me and we.

I will be away on Wednesday, and Ms Pat Brown will be in for me.

There IS school on Friday, November 14th.  The rest of the district is having Parent/Teacher meetings.  We will do our next Thursday evening and Friday morning, so there will be no school for students NEXT Friday, November 21st.  Please pass this on to other parents who may not see the blog post.  Thank you.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


And November begins!

Sounds this week are: the two sounds of OO (tooth) and 00 (book), y (yogurt), and x (ks).

New words for the word wall are he and she.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


This week will be another full one, culminating with HALLOWEEN on Friday!

The sounds we are covering this week are z, w, ng (like in strong), and v.

Words for the Word Wall are I and the. 

There will be a K-2 Assembly at 1:20 on Thursday, in the Cafeteria.  Family and friends are invited to attend.

The Kindergarten classes will visit the Grand Manan Nursing Home on Friday, leaving the school at 10:00 am, and returning approximately an hour and 15 minutes later.  Permission slips for this trip will come home on Monday, Oct 27th.

Monday, October 20, 2014


We are having a full week this week!!  YAY!

Sounds covered this week are oa (as in oak), ie (as in tie), ee (as in beet), and or.

New words for the word wall are or and for.

I will be away on Tuesday, and Pat Brown will be in for me.

Wear ORANGE and BLACK on Friday!

Friday, October 10, 2014


This is a short week, but we will still accomplish a lot - I know....

Tuesday we will do the last sound in the third set - "b" .  Wednesday we will watch the video that follows the last six sounds (g, o, u, l, f, and b).  Thursday we begin the fourth set of sounds with "ai" ( as in train), and Friday (because this is a short week) we will do "j" (jam). 

We will begin doing some printing work using the words we are putting on the word wall.  This week's words are at and that.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Well, one month is down, almost - and we're headed into October! Wow! Where did those weeks go, anyway?

This week we will start our "Tricky Words" for the Word Wall in class.

  Words for this week are "a", and "is". Please review these with your child now and then, as these are words they will find in early reading texts, and they will use them often.

Sounds covered this week are: d, g (as in gum), and o (as in ostrich).

Monday, September 22, 2014


This week will see lots more going on, as usual!

We will cover the sounds e (as beginning elephant), h, r, and m.  You will notice that we do new sounds on Mondays through Thursdays - that gives Fridays for review.  I like to keep the yellow Sounds duotangs at school over the weekend.

We will have our first K-2 assembly on Friday, at 1:20.  We usually have something from each class to do on stage, and sometimes other topics (ie Halloween safety, bullying talk, etc).  Feel free to come and watch, and bring your family!  If you want to take your child home afterward, instead of sending them on the  bus, please make sure you tell your child's teacher, so she can pass that information on to the bus drivers.  Hope to see you there!

Have a great week!

Saturday, September 13, 2014


My students are seeming to become adjusted to school and its routines and rules.  I know they are still tired at the end of the day. It's a long day for them, but they are becoming accustomed to it.  I am pleased that all of the students seem to be happy and comfortable with me, and always try to do their best throughout the day.

Sounds we will cover this week  on Monday and Tuesday are - "p" and "n".  On Wednesday we will watch the first Jolly Phonics video - this one covers the first 6 sounds learned.  Thursday we learn about the hard "c" sound, as well as "k".

Tuesday morning, as the buses arrive, students will practice the emergency exit, through the door at the back of the bus.

Our class is fortunate to have Ms Parker's Grade 8 Language Arts class as our Reading Buddies, and they read and do activities with the class on Thursday mornings.

The whole school will "do" the Terry Fox Run on Friday afternoon.  If you have sent in your child's $20 (or $10 if you are paying by semester), the $1 donation is covered.  Each level in school has a different objective.  K-2 runs and walks around the school 3 or 4 5 times for their part.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Well, I believe that we all had a great week last week - and are ready for more!

This week we will begin our Jolly Phonics program - look for the yellow duotang to come home Mondays through Thursdays (I keep them here at school over the weekends so they will be here for Monday morning! Please review and practice the sounds each night - there will be a sheet coming home in homework for you to see all about the Jolly Phonics program.

 Thanks for your help in reinforcing what we do at school each day! Sounds we will do this week are "s', "a" as in cat, "t", and "i" as is ink.

Thanks for returning all of the information sheets, etc. so promptly!

Sunday, August 31, 2014



I am very excited to begin a new year at GMCS! You will be getting a lot of information in the next few days, especially on Tuesday September 2nd.

 Please take a few minutes to read through the papers that come home with your child. There will be a few papers to fill out and return, and I ask that you do this as soon as possible, as some of the information is necessary to begin the school year.

If at any time you have questions and/or concerns, please make sure you contact me. My number at school is 662-7083. My email is

I ask that you don't contact me at home unless it is an emergency. My phone number is 662-3879.

Here's to a GREAT YEAR!!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL FOR 2013/2014.....

Today we shared our writing pieces with K-5, with a "story starter picture" of a girl flying away on a kite. It is neat to see the different age groups reading to one another. Tomorrow we will haveour annual trip to the Anchorage Park, with lunches on the picnic tables at 11:15ish, then moving to the beach. Please make sure your child has at least two drinks, lunch, sunscreen, a hat, and a towel. We do not go swimming, but what is the beach if you can't wade? Wednesday is a half day because of Graduation. Watch for a talkmail with bus times. In the morning, Rick Doucette is coming over and we will be planting three trees in memory of the three RCMP officers who were killed in Moncton a few weeks ago. We are asking everyone to wear red in their honour. Thursday is a full day. Friday is a half day and report cards will be handed out. I will miss each and every student - they are such a great group!

Friday, June 6, 2014


On Monday, June 9th, we will walk to the Alpaca Farm, leaving school around 9:10am.  We invite anyone who is able to come and walk with us.  Again, if you have a few carrot sticks or pieces of apples, we are allowed to feed the alpacas.  There is also a machine that takes 50 cents (two quarters) with feed available.

On Friday we will have our Field Day, planned and carried out by Student Council.  If it is a nice, sunny day, please put sun screen on your child as we will be outside all day.  They will each receive an apple and a bottle of water during the day, which are paid for by the fees you sent at the beginning of the school year.

Friday, June 13th, is the last day for cafeteria.  Please remember to send a snack and good lunch for the final week (June 16-20).  The last day, June 20th, will be a half day - will let you know on bus times when we are closer to that day.

We are still in review mode, and the students are writing up a storm.  I am so pleased with their progress and efforts this year!

Monday, June 2, 2014


Only a few weeks left!

During the next few weeks we will be reviewing and practicing skills we've learned throughout the school year.  I'm really quite pleased with the class as a whole - each one of my students has learned an enormous amount this year, and can use these skills the rest of their lives.

The calendar for June came home on Friday - some dates to remember:
  - Field Day on June 13th - more info will come for that day
  - annual beach trip to the Anchorage on June 17th (rain date the 19th)
  - a trip to the alpaca farm - probably next week ( I haven't told the children yet)
  - we will be making alphabet soup on Friday, June 6th.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


This week we will complete the alphabet with Yy and Zz.  The final words for the Word Wall are made, their, goes, and does.   As well, this is the last week for homework.

This week is also the Spring Carnival Week for GMCS, with special days.  Monday - Pajama Day, Tuesday - Twin Day, Wednesday - Beach Day, Thursday - Neon Day, and Friday - Hat Day.  On Thursday night, from 6-6:45, there will be a Rave Dance (black light).  Face painting, and glow products will be available for a small fee.  On Friday, there will be Inflatables in the gym in the morning, and the students will watch a movie in the afternoon.

Monday, May 19, 2014


Happy Victoria Day!

This week is actually a 3 day week for Kindergarten, as the new students for next year will be coming to school on Wednesday, May 21st, for the day, and this year's class will stay home that day.

We will be talking about Ww and Xx this week, and words for the Word Wall are right, two, four, and too.

Keep reading those books! 

Monday, May 12, 2014


This week we are talking about Uu and Vv.  Words for the Word Wall are would, should, could, and up.

Wednesday night, from 6-7pm, Grades K-5 are having a Family Fun Night.  We will have fun activities related to curricula, as well as the very popular "Make Your Own Sundae" table.  Hope to see you here!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ella on Tuesday, May 13th!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


The first week of May finds us busy, as usual, with lots of learning going on.

We will talk about Ss and Tt this week. Word Wall words are us, want, saw, and put.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Week 31 sees us saying goodbye to April and welcoming MAY!! YAY!! Looking forward to things greening up and warming up!

This week we are talking about Qq and Rr. Words for the Word Wall are because, were, has, and other.

I have been testing reading levels and am pleased with everyone's progress. We are also doing a lot of writing. The children are all using all of their sounding out strategies to make words. I ensure them that it's all right that they aren't spelling each word correctly, as long as the sounds are there. Grade One and up are for learning the ins and outs of spelling - and there are lots of exceptions to the rules, for sure!

This week there is no school on Friday, as most teachers in the province will be heading to Moncton for meetings.

The May calendar comes home on Wednesday, as Thursday is  May 1st.  Please have a look at it, as there are a number of activities going on in May.  First off, there is no school Friday, May 2nd, or Monday, May 5th.  Look for more info on our Ice Cream Social/Family Fun Night on the 14th!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


This week, albeit a short one, will be packed full, as usual!

We are now "doing" two letters each week, so we can get through the whole alphabet in time.  This week we are talking about Oo and Pp.  New words for the Word Wall are more, before, of, and play.

We had lots to share in Show and Tell today!

Please remember that the Word Box Bags that your child brings home can be exchanged daily.  There are lots of bags with words to read, so send them back for a new one regularly!

As well, please remember that all of the classes at GMCS are collecting spare change to help build a school in an impoverished country.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Here we are at Easter Week already! This is a three day week for students, as teachers have a Professional Development day of Thursday, April 17th, and no school for anyone on Good Friday, April 18th.

This week we are talking about words beginning with the letter Nn. New words for the Word Wall are any, many, had, and this.

The class has been busy writing lately - I am really impressed with the work they are producing!  Way to go, Kindergarten!!!

Happy Easter, everyone - warmer weather is on its way!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014


This week we will look at words beginning with the letter Mm. Our Word Wall words are: an, who, which, and with. Ms. Leslie continues to come in and work with me, helping your child learn how to put the sounds they know together with their thoughts to make words and put them on paper. We are using the Daily Five program, which is a Language Arts (reading and writing) tool used across the United States and Canada. The students are on their way to becoming readers AND writers - exciting!

Monday, March 31, 2014


Well, this week has started out with a SNOW DAY!! We are all ready for the weather to change and let us get on with our school work!

Because of last week's weather, we will be catching up this week - completing last week's alphabet work, and integrating the Math and Writing exercises with new work for this week.

Last week we were talking about Kk, so this week we are also doing Ll. Word Wall words for last week were what, when, and okay. New words this week are why, where, look, and am.

We are also priveleged to have the Theatre New Brunswick Young Company coming on Wednesday, April 2nd. The show for K-5 is at 9am.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Well, Report Cards will be coming home tomorrow, and it seems the time to theis report has flown! We will be talking about Kk this week, and the words for the Word Wall are what, when, and okay. With the arrival of report cards will be the note to send back in regards to Parent/Teacher meetings. There is also a sign-up sheet outside my classroom door. There is a pen on the windowsill for your use. This also means that there is no school for students on Friday, March 28th.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Well, Spring arrives this week - I hope someone tells the weatherman that we're READY!!!!!  lol

We are talking about words that begin with Jj this week.  Words for the Word Wall are on, little, and down.

The Grand Manan Music Festival is this week, and the Kindergarten will be performing on Thursday morning at 9am.  You are welcome to come watch.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Well, we're back at it after a week's rest!  I hope you all had a great week!

The letter this week is Ii, and the new words for the Word Wall are: only, old , and in.

We will be having a program on Friday morning at 10:30, presented by DONNA AND ANDY, a duo who play guitar and violin (fiddle).  You can see them on YouTube.  We are asking students to bring in $2 to help with the cost.  Family members may come as well, and are asked for a donation at the door.  Thanks!  It should be a great show!

Monday, February 24, 2014


Well, hopefully there will be no more snow days for a while!! This week we will be talking about the letter Hh. New words for the Word Wall are live, give, and his. We are also doing lots of reading and writing practice. Thank you for continuing to help your child read at night - if I miss the numbers when your child reaches 25, 50, 75, etc, books, please write a note in his/her agenda, so he/she can choose a book from my collection. As well, please continue to count with your child - frontwards and backwards. Ask what number comes before or after a number 0-10. Talk about more and fewer. These are all skills your child is working on in Math this year.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Well, we had a great Day 100!!  The students enjoyed it and the teachers were impressed with the projects!
And then WINTER hit once again!
So, we will do our Valentine's Day activities on Tuesday, February 18th - better late than never!

There is no school for students on Monday, February 17th, as teachers are having a Professional Development Day at GMCS.

The letter of the week is Gg, and new words for the Word Wall are like, have, and and.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


We have a very busy week ahead!  Thursday is Day 100, and Friday is Valentne's Day.

Your child's Day 100 project is due in on Monday, and the students will take turns sharing their projects in class.  On Thursday, all of the projects (K-2)  will be displayed in the Great Hall after lunch.  We will have our Day 100 activities in the gym between 10:50 and 11:50.  After lunch we will have a look at all of the projects on display, and do an activity in each classroom.

We will exchange valentines and have a Valentine celebration in our classrooms on Friday afternoon.

This week we will be talking about the letter "Ff" and put the following words on the Word Wall:  one, by, and from.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


This week brings us to the halfway mark in the school year. There has been lots of learning so far, I can see we are ready to go even further - reading and writing!!

This week we are talking about the letter "Ee".

Words for the Word Wall are so, my, and love.

Calendars and information about the month have come home. I hope you've had some time to look at everything that will go on in February. If you have any qyestions re: Day 100 and/or Valentine's Day, please don't hesitate to ask.

Book orders are due in to me by Friday this week.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Another full week - yay!! This weeks letter is Dd. Trickky words are no, go, yes, and see. This week, along with their book to read, your child will be bringing a Word Box Bag, with words to practice reading. Please send them back after reading, and another will come along. Thanks. I will be away on tuesday this week, and Mrs. Andrea Morse will be in for me.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Another full week of school! Our Kindergarten students will join the rest of the K-2 students in Reading Club this week, which happens during the school day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Look for an extra book or activity on these days. There won't always be something to bring home, but any duotangs and books should be returned the day after they come home. Thanks. The letter we are focusing on this week is Cc, and words for the Word Wall are there, they, and can. If you haven't sent in your child's school fees yet (those who haven't have had notes in agendas), please do so as soon as possible. Thanks!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


This week we will be talking about the letter "Bb".

  New tricky words are said, here and it.

  I will be "testing" your child for a reading level this week, and then he/she will begin bringing a book home each night to read. As well, the Word Box bags will come home then. A letter of explanation will come with them so you will know what to do. Next week we will join the K-2 Reading Clubs.

Sunday, January 5, 2014



Wow!  Christmas is over and here we are in a new year and raring to go!

Through the next few months we will be covering the letters of the alphabet in order, beginning to bring books home to read, practicing our tricky words, improving our writing skills, and so much more!

This week we will be doing activities related to the letter Aa.  The "Alphabet Bucket" will be coming home with each child, starting on Tuesday with Achilles.  The instructions are on the container - please help your child find some items that begin with the letter of the week.  They will bring it back the next day and share what they have brought with the class.  Please don't send fragile or other special items, that you don't want broken.  Accidents happen, as much as we try to take care of things.

Words to add to the word wall for this week are come, some, and as.

Happy Birthday to Jayden on the 6th of January, and Raven on the 10th!