Monday, April 30, 2012

farewell to April

Tomorrow we welcome May and all that comes with it - the return of GREEN (grass, leaves,plants), showers, flowers, the return of the hummingbirds, and so much more! A new beginning!

This week we are talking about the letter Pp and the words other, were, and because. By now your child should be able to read a number of words from memory. It is important to keep reviewing the list I sent home in the last report card, to reinforce the learning of the words students need to be successful in Kindergarten.

This is another short week, with students having Friday, may 4th off, as teachers go to Subject Council in various places around the province.

When your child brings the abc bucket home, please help him/her put a few items in it and return it the next morning.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring is here!

Well, it is really looking like Spring out there these days - hearing the birds singing later in the day, watching the grass turn green - all of these things, and many more, mean SPRING!

This week we are talking about words that begin with the letter Nn. New words for the word wall are any, many, and had.

We have started a new project in class, called Writer's Workshop, where your child is learning skills to help him/her throughout their years in school with their writing and reading.

This is another four day week, Friday being a Curriculum Day for teachers.

Monday, April 2, 2012

April is upon us!

This week is a special one for more than one reason -
* TNB will be performing on Monday morning. Thank you for sending in $2 to help pay for this great adventure in learning. As well, children should bring their lunch, as the cafeteria will be closed for the day.
* There will be an assembly on Thursday. Some students from each grade level, K-2, will have the opportunity to share their speeches. Public speaking is part of our curriculum, and most of the students have fun preparing and delivering their speeches.
* Friday is a holiday, beginning the Easter weekend.

We are talking about the letter Ll, and the words why, where, and look this week in class.

Thanks for your interest in your child's education - it was great to see and talk with so many of you at Parent-Teacher last week. If you didn't get a chance to come see me, feel free to call and set up an appointment.