Monday, December 24, 2007

ring out the old!

Well, the break is here at last! Tonight will be the proof that Santa lives on! Tom joins me in wishing each of you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2008! Keep your child reading over the break, and you can help keep his/her mind on numbers by counting things, relating size, doing addition and subtraction facts to 10, recalling doubles (1+1=2. 2+2=4, etc), magic numbers (the numbers that add up to 10), etc. Take care - see you soon!

Friday, December 7, 2007

an update on yesterday's blog!

Just a couple of things to catch up on - apparently there will be no cafeteria on Tuesday the 18th and Wednesday the 19th of December, because of Christmas concerts. So please send your child's lunch with him/her on that day. Thanks.

I've also put some extra catch-up work in with some of your children's homework duotangs. Thanks in advance for helping them to catch up. Please return those extra things on Tuesday (the 11th).

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The countsown is on!

Well, December is here and it really looks like it too! Because of the snow days on Monday and Tuesday I didn't send homework this week, nor did we have spelling words. There is no school for students on Monday Dec. 10, as teachers and staff from GMCS are going to the mainland for meetings. Because of this I have dedcided that I will send home next week's homework and spelling words tomorrow, to be due next Friday, Dec. 14th. The spelling words are: up, crab, man, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, today, come, some, weekend.

Please remind your children that they need to dress appropriately for the weather - even if there is no snow, the playground is NOT Warm - there's always a cold breeze blowing.

Have a great weekend and week following!